In the Art world ,juries sometimes reject visionary artists based entirely on a jumble of pre-established standards and politics.
On the otherhand here at Artemis we hold to our belief that no artist can be judged by preset criteria.
Following in the footsteps of such artist as Manet,Cezanne,&Monet who in the late 1800’s after being rejected from the “Academie Francaise” opted instead to display their own Alternatve Exhibit of “Reject Art”.
The Artemis Gallery offers local and national artist a chance to show works that have been rejected from other art events and exhibtions!
Come see what we are talking about!
5.00pm to 10.00 pm
Artemis gallery
1601 w main st
Richmond va 23220
804 54 1755
First Fridays Nov 6th – Dec 12th
To view some images from the show, please click the following link